What is Kentucky Youth M.O.V.E.?
KYM's Mission
KYM's Vision
Join Kentucky Youth M.O.V.E.
When does the KYM Council meet?

Youth Peer Support is a service that is provided by young people ages 18-35 who have lived experiences receiving mental health services, child welfare or juvenile justice involvement, and who are willing and prepared to use their experience to support others.

The State Interagency Council for Services and Supports to Children and Transition-age Youth (SIAC) is a multiple agency council mandated by state law with the goal of developing services and supports for children and transition-age youth with or at risk of developing behavioral health needs and their families. SIAC is made up of state agencies that provide services to children and transition-age youth and their families, a parent representative, a youth representative, and a family organization.

Regional Interagency Councils (RIACs) operate as the regional locus of accountability for the system of care, providing a structure for coordination, planning, and collaboration of services and supports to children and transition-age youth with or at risk of developing behavioral health needs and other challenges, and their families.